6 Tips to Execute Your Next Interview
For most of us, job interviewing can be really stressful. It's like speed dating, but for work, and the pressure on making a good first impression is extremely high.
“An interview is a performance to some degree,” says Hywel Loveluck, Senior Partner at Legales. “You’re starring as yourself.”
If you are in the market for your next role, check out Legales six tips to help you prepare and executte your next interview — and ensure you get the applause (and job offer!) that you deserve after your star performance.
Executive summary - 6 Tips to Execute Your Next Interview –
1. Plan Your First Impression: Answer the "tell me about yourself" question succinctly and directly, focusing on why you are the most relevant person for the job.
2. Sell Your Strengths: Prepare to highlight your strengths, sharing specific accomplishments and positive feedback you've received.
3. Prepare Speaking Points — Not a Script: Use bullet points for important responses, allowing you to be authentic and spontaneous while staying strategic.
4. Show Enthusiasm for the Role: Express sincere enthusiasm for the job and explain why you are uniquely qualified and motivated to succeed.
5. Tell a Good (Short) Story: Provide context, highlight your actions, and share positive outcomes concisely to illustrate your contributions.
6. End on a Positive Note: Ask a question that invites a positive discussion, like the most important qualities for the role, rather than inviting potential negativity.